Tag: Mother’s Day

Mother’s love is peace…

“Mother’s love is peace. It need not be acquired, it need not be deserved.”
– Erich Fromm

Love it? Get the journal version here: Amazon Store

Journal version does not include quote. 

A Mother is…

“A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.” – Cardinal Meymillod

Love it? Get the journal version here: Amazon Store

Journal version does not come with quote. 

A Mother’s Understanding

” A mother understands what a child does not say.”

~ Jewish Proverb

Love it? Get the journal version here: Amazon Store

Journal version does not include the quote. 

Happy Mother’s Day 2017

Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing mothers around the world! May you have a beautiful day filled with love! 

” I think in a lot of ways unconditional love is a myth. My mom’s the only reason I know it’s a real thing.” ~ Conor Oberst 

Happy Mother’s Day

Mother’s, they are amazing people! I especially LOVE mine with all my heart and soul.   She is my rock. She has loved, cared, and protected me before I was even out of the womb. Even now as an adult she is always watching out and taking care of me when I’m in need. I hope she lives forever, because it breaks my heart to think that she wont always be there. Most of all, I’m grateful that she has loved me even when I wasn’t so lovable. I love you Mom.

To all the mother’s out there, be it to human children or four legged fur babies , I hope you have a wonderful and beautiful day. Enjoy your day!!

Pictures of my wonderful and beautiful mother loving and caring for me:

My favorite singer Celine Dion, and a perfect Mother’s Day song: If I could