Category: Sharing Is Caring

Feel However You Want

It’s okay to feel however you want right now!

Click here ==> for a great article from CNN Health. “That uncomfortable coronavirus feeling: It could be grief” By Marnie Hunter.

Stay safe everyone! #StayStrong #Love

Babies & Slings. Be Careful!

Repost. If you have or care for infants and use a sling please go to and read the article below. It warns how a sling can cause a baby to suffocate! Please be careful when using one parents/ caregivers.

“Mom Thought Baby Was Falling Asleep in Baby Sling at Store. When She Gets Home, It’s Too Late”

Repost: 10 Mistakes Unhappy People Make

We will all have our “blue” days, it’s part of life; however we should strive to live a happy life and not wallow in our misery. This was a great read:

10 Mistakes Unhappy People Make